Top tips for working from home

In recent weeks, more and more people have taken the decision to work from home or have been advised by their companies to work from home.

For many, it will be a brand new experience to work from home, but what sounded like a dream may be proving more difficult than first thought! With this in mind, we’ve put together a handy list of tips to help people working from home, especially those for whom this will be a brand new experience.

  • Before starting to work from home, make sure you have everything you need to carry out your job away from the workplace, this may include; calendars, log-ins, access to documents etc.

  • Get up the same time as you would if you were going to work, get a shower, have breakfast and get dressed (Try to follow the same routine as you would before you set off for work in the week)

  • Assign yourself a space to work from, a desk or a place you can get in the zone and not be easily distracted. Getting dressed and not staying in bed will make sure you’re not procrastinating, and get you in a better zone to carry out your daily tasks.

  • Set yourself a list of tasks/a to-do list just as you would at work and keep track of how much you’d usually get done in a day at work.

  • Try to keep your routine from your usual working life. Have cups of tea/coffee, assign breaks, get some fresh air in the garden.

  • Take advantage of the perks of working from home. You might normally pick something up from a café or make a packed lunch, but at home you could make yourself a nice meal and take advantage of having your kitchen close by. 

  • As you start the day with a routine, try to end your working day with a routine. For example; close off your computer, divert the phone if you usually would, log out of apps, listen to a podcast or some music like you would on your journey home.

  • Don’t forget to stay connected outside of work. Keep in touch with people, make a call, send a message, take advantage of the inter-connected world we now live in. Zoom and facetime will become your best friend!

If you are looking to treat your employees who are now working from home, check out our letterbox biscuits which can be posted out to boost morale and make sure workers know they have not been forgotten about!

letterbox biscuit gift

Stay safe everyone :-)


Good luck everyone and stay safe

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