If We Can You Can Challenge 2018

In December 2018 we joined 15 other new business for the 10th If We Can You Can Challenge at The Baltic in Newcastle.

If we can you can challenge 2018

Each business was tasked with giving a one minute pitch to each of the 15 tables at the event. Each table was full of business people, entrepreneurs and top company representatives. Helena from Print Cakes took up the challenge, and although nerve-wracking, it was great to meet so many positive people and improve our pitching skills.

Print Cakes pitches their logo cupcakes

Print Cakes pitching branded cupcakes

At the end of the first round, four businesses were chosen to do a second pitch and Print Cakes made it through to this round. We had a lot of great feedback about our corporate branded cupcakes as well as our new branded cookies! Unfortunately we lost out to the brilliant  StratoBooster.com at this round who won the Highest Growth Potential category. Also, congratulations to MiCarePlan who won the social business category.

Print Cakes final pitch at If We Can You Can Challenge

All in all we had a great night, made lots of new connections and had a good chat with some old ones. On a side note, the food at the Baltic was fabulous!

if we can you can challenge 2018 finalists

Thank you to the If We Can You Can Challenge for encouraging us to enter, as well as all the people there who gave up there time to be there and talk with us. If you would like to give it a go next year, visit www.ifwecanyoucan.co.uk

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