First Speaking Event!

We were honoured to be asked along by First Network to speak at the 3rd Durham Start Up Co get-together. It was hosted at Bar33 in Durham, which is quite secretive if you've ever tried to find it!

The event was held in partnership with Durham University, Entrepreneurs Durham and FIRST. As an If We Can You Can Challenge 2018 finalist, we were invited to share our startup journey, from struggles to successes. The very talented Ryan from Veritent was also speaking, I highly recommend you check them out if you are in the creative industry. Veritent's aim is to protect your images and make sure you know when and how they are being used, which we know all too well is really important to maintaining your brand identity. Ryan is currently looking for Beta testers, so get signed up quickly!

Durham Start Up Talk

It was amazing to meet Durham students with such an enthusiasm for business. During the talk, I detailed how the road to setting up Print Cakes had been a long one, and something we had wanted to do for a long time. Even though Print Cakes has only been established for one year, we have been baking all kinds of cakes, especially branded logo cupcakes for over 7 years through our first business. Print Cakes is a culmination of all that experience and we are now taking logo cupcakes to the next level. The most important thing I have learnt is to say yes to all opportunities, as you never know where they will lead. Make sure you have someone you are accountable to, to push you to keep on achieving. 

Hopefully this will not be my last speaking event, although I have to admit it is a bit daunting!

Logo cupcakes UK



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